harry potter books
I love the the harry potter books they are so full of magic and suspense.The way Rowling writes them is just amazing. My favorite book is Harry Potter and the goblet of fire.My moms favorite is Harry Potter and the half blood prince.She says she likes it because almost every tiny detail that matters is in this book,you have to know the details of the first book to understand the sixth book.
If you have seen the movies and not read the books get to the library !!! The movies are good ( I have watched most of the movies so I know!) but the books are better.
This picture is of harry in the first movie. With harry is..... DRUMROLL PLEASE....superstar Hedwig!!!!!!
who doesn't love the adorable owl who has amazing skill ?? Keep flying!!!!!
I have one more question before I post this who's on potter more and do you like how they updated it??
Tell me what your favorite book is and good reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!